阅读理解。 Did you donate (捐献) anything to Sichuan? People all over China and the world are giving help to the suffering (受苦的) people there after the Wench-九年级英语

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     Did you donate (捐献) anything to Sichuan? People all over China and the world are giving help to the
suffering (受苦的) people there after the Wenchuan Earthquake.
     Zha Xiaoxu is a Junior l student from Anhui. She began to save money when she was in kindergarten (幼
儿园). Last week, she broke her piggy bank (存钱罐) open and donated all the 700 yuan to Sichuan.
     Han Han is one of the most popular authors (作家) among young people. Shortly after the earthquake, he
rushed to Sichuan and to help as a volunteer.
     Pop singer Jay Chou had a concert in Chongqing on Saturday. He decided to give all the ticket money to
Sichuan. Chou has already donated 500,000 yuan to the quake areas.
     Foreign rescuers (救援人员) from Japan, Russia, the Republic of Korea and Singapore are in Sichuan to
     Now more foreign doctors are on their way to Sichuan to look after the injured (受伤的) people.
Person(s) Career(s) Donate something to Sichuan
Zha Xiaoxu a Junior 1 student donated all the 700 yuan
Han Han 1._______ rushed to Sichuan and to help as a volunteer
2._______  a pop singer 3._______  in Chongqing and decided to give
all the ticket money to Sichuan and has already
donated 500,000 yuan
Foreign rescuers from Japan, Russia, the Republic of Korea and Singapore are in
Sichuan to help.
More foreign doctors are on their way to Sichuan to 4._______.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1.  an author   
2.  Jay Chou   
3.  had a concert   
4.  look after the injured people

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Did you donate (捐献) anything to Sichuan? Peopl..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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