选词填空。 party get communication use general Do you often say the magical words "Thank you"? I certainly do in my daily life when I1_____ with others. But -九年级英语

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party   get communication    use   general
    Do you often say the magical words "Thank you"? I certainly do in my daily life when I 1_____ with
others. But some people aren't 2_____ to saying "Thank you" after they have got help from others. They think
an easy "Thank you" doesn't really matter. However, it's very important. You may have many choices to
express your grateful feelings. But 3_____, you should learn to say "Thank you" first. No matter how nicely
we dress, how beautifully we decorate our homes, how exciting our dinner 4_____ are, we can't be popular
without good manners (礼貌). I think of them as a kind of hidden beauty secret. Haven't you noticed that the
kindest people keep 5_____ more beautiful? The habit of saying "Thank you" can make us feel good and
become polite to everyone else around us.
题型:填空题  难度:中档


1. communicate   2. used   3. generally   4.  parties  5. getting

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