阅读理解。 Do You Love Watching Tom and Jerry?The cartoon series, Tom and Jerry, is a very popular program. What do you think of it? Come on and try our quest-九年级英语
阅读理解。 |
![]() Do You Love Watching Tom and Jerry? The cartoon series, Tom and Jerry, is a very popular program. What do you think of it? Come on and try our questions. NAME Paul Smith AGE 12 SCHOOL primary school ![]() |
1. Who is Paul Smith? |
A. The chart (表格) designer. B. One of the characters. C. A primary school student. D. A primary school teacher. |
2. What does the comment of the first question mean? |
A. Paul isn't satisfied with the stories. B. Paul doesn't like the pictures. C. Paul is very satisfied with the stories. D. Paul likes the music very much. |
3. We can guess from the chart that Paul may be interested in ______. |
A. painting B. dancing C. sports D. writing |
4. From the chart, we know that ______. |
A. Paul is more satisfied with the show time than the music B. Paul can draw cartoons very well C. Paul has no problems with the show time D. Paul enjoys watching the cartoon series very much |
5. Why did the writer design this chart? |
A. To see what kinds of movies people like. B. To see how people like Tom and Jerry. C. To make sure who likes the cartoon series. D. To make sure whether the show time is suitable. |
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C |
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Do You Love Watching Tom and Jerry?The cartoon s..”主要考查你对 日常生活类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
- 日常生活类阅读:
- 最新内容
- 相关内容
- 网友推荐
- 图文推荐
上一篇:短文填空。climb, but, never, you, win, they, find, real, hope, it, so, tall Long long ago, some frogs had a race. Whoever could reach the top of the very tall t-九年级英语
下一篇:这是一张入住宾馆的房卡。请根据房卡正反两面的信息,完成下面的小题。 1. Hotel Eiffel is _______. A. on King Street B. in the park C. on George StreetD. oppos-九年级英语
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