完形填空。 Many Chinese middle school students dream of becoming great1 . How wonderful it is to be a hero, liked by a lot of people,2Yang Liwei and Jackie Chen-九年级英语

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     Many Chinese middle school students dream of becoming great   1  . How wonderful it is to be a hero, liked
by a lot of people,   2   Yang Liwei and Jackie Chen!
     However, this is the reason   3   they feel bad: they think they are not brave enough to do the things they like
or to   4   their teacher's questions because they're afraid that people will laugh at them.
     It's very natural for young people   5 , especially in China. When I was a   6   I was also terribly shy. When
I was among strangers, I could   7   breath! But after making some efforts I became as brave as my friends. I
started to   8   for the school magazine and joined a sports team. Writing helped me grow and become mature
(成熟的), and the friends I   9   on the sports team became my best friends. We played basketball, watched
movies, and went swimming on hot summer days. A few years  10  when I went to college in New York City,
I felt self-confident, like a hero!
(     )1.A. actors   
(     )2.A. just who 
(     )3.A. when     
(     )4.A. give     
(     )5.A. to be shy
(     )6.A. people   
(     )7.A. never    
(     )8.A. wait     
(     )9.A. made     
(     )10.A. after   
B. astronauts    
B. for example   
B. why           
B. make          
B. be shy        
B. teenager      
B. none          
B. sell          
B. met           
B. late          

C. heroes    
C. as if     
C. how       
C. remember  
C. be to shy 
C. teacher   
C. hardly    
C. read      
C. knew      
C. before    

D. players   
D. such as   
D. whether   
D. answer    
D. shy to be              
D. hero      
D. hard      
D. write     
D. thought   
D. later     
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5 CDBDA   6-10 BCDAD

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