阅读理解。 Well, I love vegetables. I eat meat too, but not very much. I think this is why I like Chinese food so much. There are lots of vegetables in Chines-九年级英语

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     Well, I love vegetables. I eat meat too, but not very much. I think this is
why I like Chinese food so much. There are lots of vegetables in Chinese
food. Yes, Chinese food is my favorite. I like noodles too. Can you eat with
chopsticks? I can!
     My favorite food is Indian food. On Saturday nights I go to the pub (酒吧) with friends from work and have a few beers, and then we always go to an
Indian restaurant. I always order chicken curry with rice. I like it very much!
     My favorite food is pasta (意大利面食). I like eating pasta with tomato
sauce when I'm in Italy. I went on holiday to the Italian lakes last year. The
food there was wonderful.
1. _______ is Maria's favorite food.
A. Chinese food
B. Indian food
C. Italian food
2. Gavin always orders chicken curry with rice in _______.
A. a Chinese restaurant
B. an Indian restaurant
C. an Italian restaurant
3. _______ went on holiday to the Italian lakes last year.
A. Maria
B. Gavin
C. Lucy
4. Lucy likes eating _______.
A. vegetables
B. pasta
C. noodles
5. We can learn from the text that _______.
A. Maria can eat with chopsticks
B. Gavin often drinks alone in the pub
C. Lucy likes pasta with orange sauce
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5        ABCBA

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