阅读理解。 An index (索引) is usually at the end of a hook. It tells us most of the topics the writer talks about in the book. The topics are usually listed fr-九年级英语

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      An index (索引) is usually at the end of a hook. It tells us most of the topics the writer talks about in
the book. The topics are usually listed from letter A to letter Z. Under each topic, there are some small topics,
and we can find the page number after each small topic.
     Here is part of an index from a cookbook (烹调手册):
Potatoes Salads Sandwiches Soups
dry 63 cabbage 125 apple and beef 161 bean 189
French fries 67 chicken egg 137 cheese 170 beef 192
new 82 fruits 139 chicken 172 carrot 196
sour 100 green 151 cold meat 182 chicken 220
1. The whole passage tells us about _________.
A. how to become a very good chef
B. what kind of food is very popular
C. how to use the index in a cookbook
2. How many small topics are listed in the index of the cookbook the writer shows us?
A. 4.
B. 16.
C. 220.
3. If we are learning to make dry potatoes, we may turn to page _________.
A. 63
B. 220
C. 137
4. From this passage, we know that apple and beef is a kind of _________.
A. salad
B. fruit
C. sandwich
5. In this passage* the word "green" means a kind of _________.
A. color
B. salad
C. cookbook
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5        CBACB

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