完形填空。 Have you ever seen a rainbow (彩虹) in the sky? Do you know what it is?A story says that when you see a rainbow you should1 at once to the place whe-九年级英语

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     Have you ever seen a rainbow (彩虹) in the sky? Do you know what it is?
     A story says that when you see a rainbow you should  1  at once to the place where it touches (触摸)
the ground, and  2  you would find a bag of gold. Of course, it is not  3 . You could not find the bag of gold,
nor could you ever find its end. No matter how  4  you run, it always seems far away.
     A rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our  5  as we can feel a flower. It is only the effect (效果)
of light shining on raindrops (雨滴). The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful
colors which we see.
     It is  6  a rainbow perhaps because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow (弓). That is  7  we
can never see a rainbow in a clear  8 . We see rainbows  9  when there is rain in the air and the sun is shining
brightly through the clouds. Every rainbow has many colors in the same order. The first of the top color is
always red, next  10  orange, then green, and last of all blue. A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of
(     )1. A. run    
(     )2. A. where  
(     )3. A. good   
(     )4. A. long   
(     )5. A. hands  
(     )6. A. called 
(     )7. A. because
(     )8. A. space  
(     )9. A. hardly 
(     )10. A. goes  
B. walk 
B. there
B. wrong
B. short
B. legs 
B. spoken
B. why  
B. sky  
B. really
B. sees 
C. jump    
C. here    
C. beautiful
C. far     
C. heads   
C. meant   
C. so      
C. fields  
C. only    
C. covers  
D. stand    
D. near     
D. true     
D. difficult
D. eyes     
D. asked    
D. that     
D. water    
D. usually  
D. comes                 
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5     ABDCA     6-10    ABBCD

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