阅读理解。 There are many advantages of becoming a professional musician. The biggest advantage is being able to do something you love. You will have the chanc-九年级英语

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     There are many advantages of becoming a professional musician. The biggest advantage is being able to
do something you love. You will have the chance to travel to many different places and meet a lot of different
people. That will open up your eyes.
     However, there are also disadvantages of being a professional musician. One of the biggest disadvantages
for most musicians is that they don't always have enough money. Most of the time, you will be looking for
jobs. Sometimes you won't be able to find a good job. Another disadvantage is the place you live in. If you
want to be a musician, you usually have to move to an area that has a lot of jobs, such as New York City.
The cost of living in these areas is usually very high. The third disadvantage is that you can't have a stable
family life. Different jobs will take a musician to different places, so most musicians are unable to have a
regular family.
1. The advantages of being a professional musician include all the following EXCEPT _______.
A. making a lot of money all the time
B. traveling to many different places
C. meeting a lot of different people
2. Which is NOT a disadvantage of being a professional musician?
A. Not always having enough money.
B. Being unable to have a stable family life.
C. Having the chance to meet many different people.
3. What does the underlined word"stable" mean in Chinese?
A. 幸福的
B. 稳定的
C. 健康的
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The biggest advantage of being a musician is being able to live in big cities.
B. Most musicians are unable to have a regular family life because they enjoy traveling.
C. It's difficult for some musicians to find a good job sometimes.
5. The author mainly tells us _______  in the passage.
A. becoming a professional musician can also have problems
B. why people want to become professional musicians
C. not to become professional musicians
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5       ACBCA

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