阅读理解。 There are many different kinds of communities around the world. Communities can be urban (in a city), suburban (near a city), or rural (in the countr-九年级英语

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     There are many different kinds of communities around the world. Communities can be urban (in a city),
suburban (near a city), or rural (in the countryside, far from a city).
     Urban communities usually have many neighborhoods, where people often live close together in apartment
buildings or small houses. Streets in these neighborhoods often have lots of people and many stores and
businesses. People in urban neighborhoods often walk or take public transportation to get to places.
     In suburban communities, people live in separate houses. Stores and businesses are not usually nearby,
and people often have to drive to get there. Some suburban communities have public transportation, and others
     In rural communities, people often live far from each other, not in neighborhoods. There isn't usually any
public transportation, and people have to drive everywhere.
     Whether in urban, suburban, or rural areas, some communities are friendly, and others aren't. For example,
in some communities, people know their neighbors, they help each other, and their children play together all the
time. In other communities, people sometimes don't even know their neighbors' names.
     In the old days, most people around the world lived in small towns and villages, where they knew their
neighbors. These days, more people live in large urban communities. Experts think that in the future most
people will live in "megacities" of more than ten million people. Will there be friendly neighborhoods in these
communities in the future? Time will tell.
注:(1) community 社区 (2) whether 不管…(还是…) (3) expert 专家
       (4) neighborhood 四邻, 街坊;住宅区 (5) separate 各自的, 分开的
1. Suburban communities are _____.
A. in a city
B. near a city
C. far from a city
D. in the countryside
2. What do we know about urban communities?
A. People have to drive everywhere.
B. People know all their neighbors.
C. People can do shopping easily.
D. Children play together all the time.
3. Which of the following is true?
A. People usually help each other in all communities.
B. In rural communities, people often live in neighborhoods.
C. People in urban area usually live far from each other.
D. Urban transportation is the most convenient (方便的) of all.
4. We can infer (推测) from the passage that _____.
A. people in the suburbs are less friendly these days
B. maybe there'll be fewer friendly neighborhoods in the future
C. people in the countryside are more friendly these days
D. there will be more friendly neighborhoods in the future
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4 B C D B

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