阅读理解。 Li Hong is still excited talking about a Chinese class two years ago."It was time to talk about poems (诗歌). But our teacher asked us to go to the-八年级英语

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     Li Hong is still excited talking about a Chinese class two years ago.
    "It was time to talk about poems (诗歌). But our teacher asked us to go to the class blog (博客). A
website for our class", Li said.
     Her teacher, Song Ying, put some nice poems on the blog. The class talked freely about each poem.
     Li is a shy girl. And she doesn't often put her hand up in class. But that time it was different."I typed in
what I thought about the poems. The teacher typed back and said I was doing well"
     A blog is like a diary on a website. It has messages about lots of different things kept by date."On our
school's blog, everyone must use his real name. That's how it is different from other online talks," said
Zhang Liang, a teacher at the school.
     Each class has its own blog. They have lessons on the blog. After school students can still talk to each
other or to their teachers about problems in study or life.
1. What made Li Hong so excited about her Chinese class?
A. The teacher talked about poems.
B. She could write out what she thought of the poems on paper
C. She talked about poems in her class openly.
D. She used the Internet to talk about poems.
2. What do you know about a blog?
A. It's a diary.
B. It's like a diary online.
C. It's a book on the Internet.
D. It's the Internet.
3. How is the school blog different from other online talks?
A. It's only used in school.
B. Only teachers and students can use it.
C. Everyone must use his real name.
D. They can have lessons on the blog.
4. What do the students think of the class blog?
A. It's helpful.
B. It's helpless.
C. It's mysterious (神秘地).
D. It's a waste of time
5. What do the students think of the class blog?
A. They have lessons on the blog.
B. They can talk to each other after school.
C. They can talk to their teachers about problems in study or life.
D. A, B and C.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5       DBCAD

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