阅读理解。 Andrew went to the Great Wall with his family last Sunday. It was cloudy and humid in the morning. The Great Wall is really a great place to visit.-七年级英语

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     Andrew went to the Great Wall with his family last Sunday. It was cloudy and humid in the morning.
The Great Wall is really a great place to visit. Many people went there that day. On the Great Wall Andrew's
parents took some photos. His brother, Sam, drew a picture of the Great Wall. Andrew talked with some
people from America in English! And they sang some English songs!
     In the afternoon the family came down. They had some fish, vegetables and rice for lunch in a restaurant.
After lunch, they visited the Great Wall Museum. It was rainy in the afternoon. But they had a great time that
1. Where is the Great Wall? 
A. In China.
B. In Australia.
C. America.
2. What was the weather like last Sunday morning?
A. Rainy and humid.
B. Cloudy and humid.
C. Cloudy and windy.
3. _____ took some photos on the Great Wall.
A. Sam
B. Andrew
C. The parents
4. The family _____ after lunch.
A. visited the Great Wall Museum
B. went home
C. sang some songs
5. What did the family think of the Sunday?
A. It was dull.
B. It was terrible.
C. It was great.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: ABCAC

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