阅读理解。 In most schools, all students must wear school uniforms when they are at school. But not every student likes the school uniform.Li Jia, a 13-year-ol-七年级英语

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     In most schools, all students must wear school uniforms when they are at school. But not every student
likes the school uniform.
     Li Jia, a 13-year-old girl from No.9 Middle School, said, "I don't like my school uniform at all. It is too
ugly. I think young girls should wear some colorful clothes. But, I have to wear it every day."
    However, Su Yang, also a middle school student, has different opinions. He said, "I like my school uniform.
It is very beautiful. It is a symbol (象征) of my school and I like my school very much."
     Mr. Chen, a teacher, told the reporter, "It's good for the students to wear uniforms. It saves a lot of time
and money. In the past, my daughter spent much time on her clothes. But now, she seldom (很少) asks me
to buy clothes for her because she has to wear the school uniform."
     Do you like your school uniform? Welcome to write to us.
1. Most middle school students must wear the school uniform because ________.
A. their parents ask them to do so
B. the uniforms are beautiful
C. they don't have money to buy other clothes
D. it's the school rule
2. What do you know about Li Jia?
A. She doesn't like the uniform because it is expensive.
B. She is an ugly girl.
C. She doesn't like her school uniform at all.
D. She never wears her uniform.
3. What does Su Yang think of his school uniform?
A. He thinks it is very beautiful.
B. He thinks it is very ugly.
C. He doesn't like it.
D. He likes a symbol.
4. The word "opinion" probably means ________ in Chinese.
A. 校服
B. 看法
C. 情况
D. 成绩
5. From the passage, we know that ________.
A. most students like their uniforms
B. most students don't like their uniforms
C. different people have different opinions about their uniforms
D. uniforms are very popular in China
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


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