阅读理解。 Sally and her brother Jim are traveling to Europe. They like to travel by train or by ferry because they can see a lot of beautiful sights in differe-七年级英语

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     Sally and her brother Jim are traveling to Europe. They like to travel by train or by ferry because they can
see a lot of beautiful sights in different places and they usually travel at night. Now they are sitting in a train.
It's dark outside and others are sleeping. The window near their seats is open. Sally is looking out of the
window. She can see some thin clouds in the sky. The Moon behind the thin clouds is very beautiful and bright.
She enjoys the Moon very much and doesn't feel tired. Jim is sitting near her and sleeping. Tomorrow they will
take a ferry to Paris.
1. Sally and Jim are traveling ______.
A. by ferry
B. by train
C. by plane
D. by bike
2. Why do they like to travel by train or by ferry?
A. Because it's very cheap.
B. Because they can travel very fast.
C. Because they can enjoy the beautiful sights.
D. Because they can sleep in a train.
3. Sally can see ______ in the sky.
A. some clouds and birds
B. some clouds and the Moon
C. the Moon and a plane
D. some snow
4. Jim is ______.
A. looking out of the window
B. enjoying the Moon
C. sleeping
D. singing
5. Sally and Jim will reach ______ tomorrow.
A. Paris
B. London
C. Rome
D. Beijing
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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