阅读短文,根据要求完成下列各题。 There are many animals in Weihai Zoo.1 The elephants are from Africa. African elephants are big and kind animals, 2 ________ -七年级英语

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     There are many animals in Weihai Zoo.1 The elephants are from Africa. African elephants are big and
kind animals, 2 ________ there are only about 30.000 in Africa. Some people kill the elephants 3 ________
money. African elephants are tall. 4. They need (需要) to eat a lot of leaves and grass and they eat for hours
a day
. They can also drink 40 gallons (加仑) of water at one time. Elephants have four teeth and two 5 tusks.
These tusks grow about seven inches (英寸) a year. They can be up to twenty feet (英尺) long! African
elephants live all over Africa The ears of a full-grown African elephants are about five to six feet long and four
feet wide. 6 My friend gives me two tickets. 7 You, Would, with, to, the, to, zoo, go, like, me?
1. 写同义句:The elephants ________ ________ Africa.
2. 选择恰当的连词:
   A. and  
   B. or  
   C. but   
   D. so
3. 选择恰当的介词:
    A. in 
    B. for
    C. at
    D. with
4. 翻译成汉语。
5. 猜汉语意思。 
    A. 象牙
    B. 象鼻
    C. 象腿
    D. 象耳
6. 写同义句:
    My friend gives ________ ________ ________ ________.
7.  连词成句:
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. come from 
2. C
3. B
4. 它们需要吃很多树叶和草,而且它们一天要吃20小时。
5. A
6. two tickets tome
7. Would you like to go to the zoo with me?
(4.6 答案不唯一)

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