完形填空Mary,Thank you1 your email. In China, we go to school2 Monday to Friday. In school days, I always get up at seven and have3 breakfast at thirteen past -七年级英语

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     Thank you  1  your email. In China, we go to school  2  Monday to Friday. In school days, I always get
up at seven and have  3  breakfast at thirteen past seven. Our lessons  4  at eight. And we have three lessons
 5 . At half past eleven, we have  6  in the school's  7 . In the afternoon, we  8   school at about four. Then we
can go home.  9  many boys and girls in my school  10  to have sports on the playground after school. What
about your school day? Mary?
(     )1. A. for       
(     )2. A. on         
(     )3. A. the       
(     )4. A. open        
(     )5. A. in the afternoon
(     )6. A. breakfast   
(     )7. A. dining hall   
(     )8. A. have          
(     )9. A. And          
(     )10. A. would        
B. with     
B. to      
B. a        
B. start     
B. in the morning
B. lunch     
B. library      
B. finish      
B. But        
B. have        
C. of        
C. from      
C. my        
C. finish    
C. this day                           
C. meals    
C. classroom 
C. start     
C. Then      
C. like      
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5     ACCBB      6-10    BABBC

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空Mary,Thank you1 your email. In China, we go to scho..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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