阅读理解。 Football is a very popular game in China. There are eleven players in a team. Many people like it. Li Lei is a middle-school student. He likes foo-八年级英语

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      Football is a very popular game in China. There are eleven players in a team. Many people like it. Li Lei is
a middle-school student. He likes football. Tomorrow is Sunday. There's nothing much to do. So he is going
to watch a football game. He'd like Sam to go with him. Sam is from America. He is good at football, too. He l
ikes watching football game very much, but he says the American football is different from ours. It's not round. The football in China has another name in English, it's soccer.
(    ) 1. In a football team, there are twelve players.
(    ) 2. Li Lei is a football player.
(    ) 3. Tomorrow Li Lei will have nothing much to do.
(    ) 4. He's going to watch a football game with Sam.
(    ) 5. The American football and the Chinese football are the same..
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: F F T T F

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