阅读理解。 Sara is fifteen years old. She is very careless (粗心的). So her parents often tell her to do or not to do something.Today Sara comes home at 12:30-七年级英语

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     Sara is fifteen years old. She is very careless (粗心的). So her parents often tell her to do or not to do
     Today Sara comes home at 12:30. She finds a 100-dollar bill (钞票) on the table in her room.
     "Great!" she says to herself. "I am so happy because Mom gives me so much pocket money today." But she
finds there is a piece of paper (一张纸) under the bill.
     It says:
Dear daughter,
     Today is your grandmother's birthday. We'll go to visit your grandmother. Please stay at home. But don't
forget (忘记): this bill is not for you. I put it here to attract (吸引) you. Please put it on the table again after
you read the paper.
1. Sara is _____.
A. a tall girl
B. 14 years old
C. careful
D. a careless girl
2. The 100-dollar bill is _____.
A. on the table
B. in a bag
C. on the bed
D. in a box (盒子)
3. When Sara sees the bill, she thinks _____.
A. her grandmother gives it to her
B. her mother gives it to her
C. she can buy some clothes with it
D. it's her father's bill
4. Which of the following is NOT true about the paper?
A. It is under the bill.
B. It says that day is Sara's grandmother's birthday.
C. It can attract Sara.
D. It tells Sara to put back the bill.
5. After reading the paper, Sara may feel _____.
A. happy
B. disappointed (失望的)
C. fine
D. tired
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: DABCB

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