阅读理解。 Kate Brown is an English girl. She is a middle school student. She is fourteen. She has dark skin (皮肤) and her hair blond. Her father is Mr. Br-七年级英语

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     Kate Brown is an English girl. She is a middle school student. She is fourteen. She has dark skin (皮肤) and
her hair blond. Her father is Mr. Brown. Her mother is Mrs Brown. Bill is a middle school student, too. But they are in different schools.Bill has short, black hair. He is in a blue coat. Kate is in a red dress. She is a nice girl.
We all like her. Do you want to make friends(交朋友) with her?
( ) 1. Kate comes from England.
( ) 2. Bill isn't a middle school student.
( ) 3. Kate's hair is black,and Bill's hair is blond.
( ) 4. Kate and Bill aren't in the same school.
( ) 5. Kate is nice,and we like her.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


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