完形填空。 Paris has a beautiful name, the City of1. Do you know2 it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at3 . The streets are very4 . When you5 in P-八年级英语

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     Paris has a beautiful name, the City of  1 . Do you know  2  it means? Many beautiful buildings are
lighted at  3 . The streets are very  4 . When you  5  in Paris, you must not turn  6  you headlights (汽车前
灯) even after dark.
     Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the  7  reason for its beautiful name. For hundreds
of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art.  8  scientists and artists have come to  9  here. For this
reason also, people  10  it the City of Lights.
(     )1. A. Flowers
(     )2. A. what   
(     )3. A. noon   
(     )4. A. black  
(     )5. A. walk   
(     )6. A. off    
(     )7. A. only   
(     )8. A. No     
(     )9. A. study  
(     )10. A. make  
B. Cars
B. how 
B. night
B. dark
B. go  
B. down
B. other
B. Few 
B. call
B. call
C. Lights
C. where
C. day  
C. noisy
C. drive
C. out  
C. any  
C. Many 
C. build
C. go   
D. Rivers 
D. when   
D. evening
D. bright 
D. live   
D. on     
D. another
D. Little                               
D. find   
D. live   
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5      CABDC    6-10      DACAB

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 Paris has a beautiful name, the City of1. Do you..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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