阅读理解。 1) Liu Sicong has lived in hu tong in Beijing's Dong cheng District for nine years. The 12-year-old say sthat he likes his life there and doesn't w-八年级英语

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      1) Liu Sicong has lived  in hu tong in Beijing's Dong cheng District for nine years. The 12-year-old say
sthat he likes his life there and doesn't want to move into ahighrise building.
      2) "People in tall buildings don't even know who their neighbors are," says Liu."If you live in hutong you
oftenshare food with the people who live around you."
      3) Zhang Yuanyuan has a similar idea.
     4) "There may be several classmates living in the same hutong. If you want to play, you just shout out their
names," says the 14-year-old.
     5) To kids like Liu and Zhang, hutong is not just a place to live but also an important part of their culture.
     6) People in hutong enjoy eating outside, with their noodle bowls in their hands. They talk about
everything - weather, money, football. They play chess with dozens of neighbors looking on, discussing the
     7) Hutong is typical of life in Beijing. There are thousands of hutong in the city. They are passages (通道)
between Siheyuan-houses around a square courtyard. Mostof them were built in the Yuan, Min~and Qing
dynasties (朝代).
     8) Hutong give Beijing its special flavor and beauty.. Many people from other parts" of the country or other
countries come in great numbers to the city just to have a look. at them The Shiehahai area, with its many
interesting hutong, has become a scenicspot (景点).
     9) Today, many hutong have been pulle down because they lack (缺少) clean water and proper toilets.
Many people are. sorry about this. They say that hutong arepart of Beijing people's life and should be kept as
part of. the culture.
1. According to the passage, which is NOT the reason for the children's love for their life in hutong?
A. The neighbors know each other well.
B. They can often eat in a neighbor's home.
C. It's easy to get a playmate (玩耍伙伴) out.
D. The neighbors are friendly to each other.
2. Which paragraph gives us a general reason why some children love to live in hutong?
A. Paragraph 4
B. Paragraph 5
C. Paragraph 6
D. Paragraph 7
3. The phrase "pull down" in the last paragraph most probably means _____.
A. make it disappear
B. rebuild it
C. repair it
D. make it stay
4. From the passage, we can see that the author ________ the idea that hutong should be kept as part
    of the culture.
A. developed
B. doubted
C. agreed to
D. explained
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4: BAAC

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