完形填空。 The blog (博客) of the Chinese movie star Xu Jinglei is now very popular. "I didn't expect1 to be so popular. Many people2my blog. It has encoura-九年级英语

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     The blog (博客) of the Chinese movie star Xu Jinglei is now very popular. "I didn't expect   1   to be
so popular. Many people   2   my blog. It has encouraged me to   3   writing," said Xu.
     Now she is an actress and director. The   4   of the movie Letter from An Unknown Woman   5   her
famous overseas. She won a best director award   6   the film in the Film Festival in Spain. She said that
blog writing was the   7   way to tell people about her films. Her film Dreams May Come was also   8   
by lots of people. She wrote about making the film, her marketing plans and her feelings in her blog. Xu's
blog is very   9  . Every day many people visit it and leave  10  there.
     More than 50 million clicks, it is now one of the world's most popular blogs.
(     )1. A.it       
(     )2. A.wrote    
(     )3. A.keep     
(     )4. A.progress 
(     )5. A.asked    
(     )6. A.for      
(     )7. A.quietest 
(     )8. A.cheated  
(     )9. A.popular  
(     )10. A.choices 
B. that      
B. looked    
B. finish    
B. surprise  
B. wanted    
B. in        
B. cleverest 
B. welcomed     
B. busy      
B. names     
C. this   
C. read   
C. stop   
C. success             
C. made   
C. as     
C. easiest
C. told   
C. relaxed
C. messages               
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5 ACACC 6-10 ACBAC

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 The blog (博客) of the Chinese movie star Xu Jing..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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