阅读理解。 Most of us like animals. Sometimes we go to the zoo to see the animals. They can make us happy.Some people often think they can teach the animals t-七年级英语

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     Most of us like animals. Sometimes we go to the zoo to see the animals. They can make us happy.
     Some people often think they can teach the animals to work for them. In our life we may see elephants,
tigers, dogs or some other animals doing a lot of things for people. Elephants can carry large logs, because
they are strong. Dogs can look after houses. And people can also teach the animals to work in the factory.
Now people are trying to get the animals to do some other things.
1. Do most people like animals? 
2. Where do people usually go to see the animals? 
3. Why can elephants do any heavy work? 
4. What can dogs do according to the passage? 
5. What are people trying to do? 
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. Yes, they do.
2. To the zoo.
3. Because they are strong.
4. They can look after houses.
5. They are trying to get the animals to do some other things.

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