阅读理解。 Many boys and girls love watching TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many parents let their children watch TV only in spec-七年级英语

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     Many boys and girls love watching TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many
parents let their children watch TV only in special (特定的) time.
     TV shows are like books or movies. There are many kinds of TV shows,such as sitcoms. soap operas,
sports shows, fashion shows, etc. A child can learn good things and bad things from them. Some shows help
children to know the news all over the world. Children don' t have to go to the zoo to see animals. Boys and
girls can see sitcoms, sports shows and game shows at home. Some shows teach children how to cook or
how to use tools (工具).
     Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV, but it is also fun to read books, to play games or to visit
1. Many boys and girls spend _______.
A. 4 hour on TV shows on Sundays
B. 6 hours on TV shows every day
C. many hours a day in front of the TV sets
2. Many parents _______.
A. don't let their children watch TV
B. ask their children to watch TV
C. let their children watch TV in special time
3. From TV, boys and girls can _______.
A. learn good things and bad things
B. learn nothing
C. learn good things
4. Kids like to watch TV, because _______.
A. it is fun
B. they have nothing to do
C. it is exciting

5. How does the writer like the TV shows?

A. They are good for children.
B. They are bad for children.
C. Some of them are good for children and others are not.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5      CCAAC

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