阅读理解。Dear Cindy,How's going with you? For me it's terrible. Three are too many rules in our school. It isn't fair. Ihaveto get up at five forty every-七年级英语

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Dear Cindy,
     How's going with you? For me it's terrible. Three are too many rules in our school. It isn't fair. I have 
 to get up at five forty every morning.  I can't be late for running, I have to run at six thirty. I have to
practice English and Chinese every day. In the evening I can't watch TV or hang out with friends because  
I have to do my homework. I have to go to bed before ten o'clock. What's more? We can't listen to
music or eat in the classroom. We even can't wear hats or have long hair. We have to wear school
uniforms every day. On weekends, I still have to stay at school on Saturday. Because I have to learn
science and math. Do you have lots of rules in your school? Are they fair?    
                                                                                                                             Your friend,
1. Who is the letter from?    
A. Cindy.  
B. Alex.  
C. Cindy's teacher.    
D. Alex's teacher.
2. What time does Alex have to get up?      
A. Five forty.   
B. Six forty.   
C. Five o'clock.   
D. Six thirty.
3. What does Alex have to practice every day?
A. English.    
B. Chinese.   
C. French.   
D. A and B.
4. Why does he stay at school on Saturday?
A. To hang out friends.    
B. To learn math and science.
C. To listen to music. 
D. To play soccer.
5. Why is Alex not so happy?
A. Because he can't wear school uniforms.
B. Because he has nothing to do at school.
C. Because there are so many rules in his school.
D. Because there are so many rules in his house.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5     BADBC

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