阅读理解。30th SeptemberDear Jayne,How are you? I hope everything is getting on well with you.I returned to my home on the morning of September 28th, at 2 am.-八年级英语

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30th September
Dear Jayne,  
  How are you? I hope everything is getting on well with you.  
  I returned to my home on the morning of September 28th, at 2 am. I am so
sorry for not calling you as soon as I came back home.  
  I have been allowed to stay at home for two days (from September 29th to
September 30th) to have a rest. The Chinese National Day is on October 1st. We
have a seven-day off for National Day holiday.  I will stay at home to have a
good rest.  
  Thank you for your help.  I miss you and your kindness.  I miss the climate
in England in summer, too.  It is neither too hot nor too cold.  Now it is still very
hot in most parts of China, especially in the south of China, for example, in
Guangzhou.  The sun seems to dry up everything. We have to use air conditioner
to make the air cool enough so that we can have a good sleep at night.  
  I will continue my work on October 8th.  After I start my work, it will be
too busy for me to do anything that I want to do, but I will try my best to get in
touch with you.  
  Best wishes.                                          
                            Yours sincerely,                                                                          
1. How many days will the writer stay at home to have a rest?
A. Two.            
B. Seven.          
C. Eight.            
D. Nine.
2. Which country is the writer in at the moment?
A. China          
B. the UK            
C. America      
D. Japan
3. What does the weather like in England in September?
A. Hot            
B. Cool            
C. Cold          
D. Rainy
4. Which country is Jayne from?
A. The UK      
B. The USA            
C. Canada        
D. China
5. From the passage,we know that ___________.
A. Jayne is helpful and kind                
B. Jayne is friendly
C. the writer can get on well with Jayne        
D. A,B,and C
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。30th SeptemberDear Jayne,How are you? I hope ever..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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