Should I be happy or sad? My oldest son is moving out of home.That in the sad part .The happy part is that he is following my foot steps. He is entering the-八年级英语

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     Should I be happy or sad? My oldest son is moving out of home.That in the sad part .The happy part is that he is following my foot steps. He is entering the oil patch(油田) and going to work on a rig (钻塔).     
     My son is 20 years old and it is time for him to move out but that doesn't make it any easier. No one wants to. see their children move out but as a father I would never stand in his way. I have three boys. My middle one has been away from home for about a year and my youngest one is still at home. The son that is leaving today is my fishing partner and I'm going to miss him when I'm walking along the river banks without him this summer.    
      I know today is going to be hard for my wife. Her baby is leaving home. The boys have grown up with their mom.I worked in the oil patch so I missed a lot but not my wife. She never missed a thing in their lives. She will have a bad day today.    
     I love my boy and I wish him all the safety and luck that he needs to be successful. 
1.The son who is moving out is the        son of the writer.   
A. first        
B. second      
C. third      
D. youngest
2. What did the writer use to do with the son who is moving out?     
A. Go shopping.          
B. Go fishing.      
C. Go to the movies.        
D. Go for a walk.
3. What does the underlined word" miss" mean?    
A. Fail to catch.            
B. Fail to see.    
C. Fail to understand.       
D. Fail to hear.   
4. Which of the following is true? 
A. The youngest son of the writer is 20 years old.      
B. The writer's sons have grown up with their grand parents.      
C. The writer's family has four members.      
D. The writer used to work in the oil patch.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4 ABBD

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