阅读理解 My sister, Mary, usually starts the daywith breakfast. She often has a piece of cake and a glass of milk for breakfast, then she usually goes to work o-八年级英语

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       My sister, Mary, usually starts the day  with breakfast. She often has a piece of cake and a glass of
milk for breakfast, then she usually goes to work on foot. After work, she often goes to the music store.
Sometimes she goes to the movies. She likes eating vegetables. She also likes to-eat junk food, but she
knows it is bad for her health. So she eats it once a week. In the evening, she often watches TV. Her
favorite program is Around China. She usually goes to bed before ll o'clock. She thinks she is pretty
1. Mary usually goes to work         .    
A. on foot            
B. by bus
C. by bike          
D. by plane
2. Her favorite TV program is          .
A. Animal World
B. Game Show
C. Around China
D. Today Law (法律)
3. She eats junk food          a week.       
A. once      
B. twice  
C. three times      
D. four times
4. Mary _    goes to the movies.
A. never      
B. always    
C. often          
D. sometimes
5. Mary _    at 11 o'clock.
A. goes to bed  
B. is asleep  
C. doesn't go to bed    
D. isn't asleep
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 A C A D B

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