阅读理解。 Mary likes dogs very much. She has a pug-dog. It is white. It has big eyes and ears. It is small but it is cute and beautiful. Every morning, the-七年级英语

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     Mary likes dogs very much. She has a pug-dog. It is white. It has big eyes and ears. It is small but
it is cute and beautiful.
     Every morning, the dog eats some bread and meat. They are the dog's favorite food. When Mary
goes to school, the dog always waits for (等待) her at the gate. When she comes back home, the dog
follows her here and there. When Mary does her homework, it lies (卧) near her feet. When Mary
watches TV, the dog sits on the sofa near her. When Mary goes to bed, the dog lies its bed next to
Mary's. in the evening, they often run and play in the yard (院子). They are really good friends.  
1. Mary has a _______ dog.    
A. white  
B. black  
C. yellow  
D. red
2. The pug-dog is very ________.
A. lazy and big        
B.  small and lazy  
C. small and cute      
D.  big and beautiful
3. The pug-dog's favorite food are ________.
A. grass and leaves    
B. fruit and fish
C. bread and meat    
D. grass and meat
4. The dog _______ when Mary watches TV.
A. follows her here and there  
B. lies near her
C. sits on the sofa            
D. lies on the bed
5. Mary is a ________.
A. student  
B. teacher  
C. doctor  
D. actor
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 ACCCA 

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