阅读理解。 One day Mr Brown sees a young woman in thestreet with children. He is very surprised becauseall the children are wearing the same clothes.White caps-八年级英语

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     One day Mr Brown sees a young woman in thestreet with children. He is very surprised becauseall the children are wearing the same clothes.White caps, blue coats and yellow trousers.    
     "Are all these children yours?" he asks thewoman.    
     "Yes, they are," she answers.  
     "Do you always dress them in the sameclothes ?" asks Mr Brown.    
     "Yes, " answers the mother. When we havefour children, we dress them in the same clothes be-cause we don't want to lose any of them. It is easyto see our children among other children becausethey are all
wearing the same clothes. And now wehave ten, we dress them like this because we don'twant to take
other children home by mistake. Whenthere are other children among ours, it is easy to seethem because
their clothes are different. "
1. Mr Brown sees_____people in all.
A. ten
B. eleven
C. four
D. ten children
2. Why is Mr Brown surprised?
A. Because all the children are boys.
B. Because all the children are in the same clothes.
C. Because all the children are lovely.
D. Because all the children are wearing the same trousers.
3. Why does the woman dress her children in the same clothes?
A. Because she has so many children.
B. Because she loves her children.
C. Because she doesn't want to take her children home.
D. Because she wants to see her children easily among others.
4. What kind of clothes are the children wearing when Mr Brown sees them?
A. White caps, blue coats and yellow trousers.
B. Blue caps, yellow coats and white trousers.
C. Yellow caps, white coats and blue trousers.
D. White caps, yellow coats and blue trousers.
5. We don't want to take other children home by mistake.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4 BBDA  10. 我们不想错把别人的孩子带回家。(答案不唯一)

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