信息匹配 Here are reports of three attacks. The three swimmers were attacked by sharks because they didn’t obey the safety rules for swimmers. Rules for swimm-九年级英语

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       Here are reports of three attacks. The three swimmers were attacked by sharks because they
didn’t obey the safety rules for swimmers. 
       Rules for swimmers:
       A. Don’t swim at night.
       B. You are more likely to be attacked in warm water.
       C. Sharks are attracted by blood. Don’t swim with an open cut.
       D. It’s best to wear a swimming suit to match your skin colours. Sharks can see colours.
       E. If you see a shark, don’t be nervous. Try to swim quietly, with even strokes(划水动作).
       Which rule didn’t each of the following swimmers obey?            
(     )1. Report 1: Colin was swimming with two friends very late at night. He was attacked by a shark
and died.
(     )2. Report 2: Ann was a very good swimmer. She bought a new, bright red swimming suit. She was
swimming with some friends when a shark attacked her.
(     )3. Report 3: Jack was on holiday in Australia. He cut his foot on the beach. He went swimming the
same day and got attacked.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-3 A D C

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