阅读理解 To make sure that you enjoy your visit to the Harper Hot Springs and that you are safeduring your visit, please take time to read the following: Do not -九年级英语
阅读理解 |
To make sure that you enjoy your visit to the Harper Hot Springs and that you are safeduring your visit, please take time to read the following: Do not place your head under the hot water because it may be bad for your health. Do not run around because the floors may be slippery. Do not leave your children alone. Do not leave your things about. Just ask one of our workers to look after your things. Do not eat or drink anything in the area because we want to keep here clean. There is aplace for you to eat and have soft drinks when you want to have a rest. Do not bring into the area anything made of glass, because it may be easily'broken when you fall. Do not smoke in the area. Do not stay in the sunlight for too long.We hope that you will enjoy your visit here. |
1. The purpose of this notice is |
A. to ask people to visit the springs B. to make visitors know the area C. to tell visitors what not to do D. to tell the visitors to have a rest |
2. The notice is written for |
A. visitors B. children C. workers D. managers |
3. People are not allowed to _ . |
A. bring anything into the area B. have soft drinks in the area C. look after children in the area D. sit in the sun for long in the area |
4. is NOT mentioned in the notice. |
A. How long visitors can stay in the area B. What visitors cannot bring to the area C. Who looks after the visitors' things D. Whether smoking is allowed in the area |
5. The Chinese meaning for “slippery” is . |
A. 平坦的 B. 湿滑的 C. 狭窄的 D. 冰凉的 |
1-5 C A B A B |
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解 To make sure that you enjoy your visit to the Harpe..”主要考查你对 日常生活类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
- 日常生活类阅读:
- 最新内容
- 相关内容
- 网友推荐
- 图文推荐
上一篇:根据短文内容,在横线上填入适当的词使短文完整,每空一词。 These Thirty Years in China China has been open 1. ____ 1978. As you can see, many great 2. ____have -九年级英语
下一篇:阅读理解 Americans love cars.They go everywhere in them.85% of people in the US go to and from workby car.And most adults have driving liens.Why does this ca-九年级英语
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