阅读理解。 Mr Jones and Mrs Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr Jones said to Mr Brown, "We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday-八年级英语

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     Mr Jones and Mrs Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr Jones said to Mr Brown, "We
are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Would you and your wife like to
join us?"
     Mr Brown said, "Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening. I think,
but I'll telephone my wife and ask her. Maybe she wants to go somewhere else that evening. "So Mr
Brown went to the other room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very sorry.
    "What is the matter?" said Mr Jones. "Did you speak to your wife?"
    "No," answered Mr Brown, "She wasn't there, my small son answered the telephone. I said to him,
     "Is your mother there, David?' and he answered, 'No, she is not in the house,' 'Where is she then?' I
asked. 'She is somewhere outside.' 'What is she doing?' 'She is looking for me.'"
1. A small party will be held ______.
A. at David’s house                
B. at Mr Brown’s house
C. in the office                    
D. at Mr Jones’s house
2. Mr Jones asked ______ to the party.
A. Mr Brown        
B. Mrs Brown
C. Mr and Mrs Brown            
D. all his friends
3. Mr Brown spoke to ______ on the phone.
A. Mrs Brown      
B. Mrs Jones
C. David            
D. David’s friend
4. Why was Mrs Brown looking for David? Because ______.
A. he went out of the house
B. he was answering Father’s phone
C. she knew David had lost his way
D. she thought he was playing somewhere outside
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4 DCCD

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