阅读理解。 Our winter is very long and cold. The first frost(霜) of the season usually comes about the middle of August. Soon the leaves on the maple (枫树) an-八年级英语

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     Our winter is very long and cold. The first frost(霜) of the season usually comes about the middle of
August. Soon the leaves on the maple (枫树) and oak (橡树) trees on the hillsides turn red, yellow, and
brown,  forming a mass of color too beautiful to describe. Gradually(渐渐地) the leaves fall from all the
trees except the evergreens (常青树). The earliest snowfall in the Green Mountains usually comes in
October. Before Christmas, deep snow sometimes covers the fields and mountains. Then I have fun. I
coast(滑行)on my long sled(雪橇)down the steep (陡峭的)hills or go on my skis.After a heavy snowfall,
I go for long walks on my snowshoes. All winter the ponds(池塘) and streams(溪流) lie under their roofs of ice while I skate on them. Late in March the snow begins to melt (融化), the ice breaks, and our long
winter gives place to spring.
1. What season does the writer describe?
A. Summer.
B. Winter.
C. Autumn.    
D. Spring.
2. The first frost there comes in _______.
A. March
B. October  
C. August    
D. December
3. The only trees that keep their color all winter there are the _______.
A. evergreens
B. maple trees  
C. oak trees  
D. apple trees
4. The snow there begins to melt in _______.
A. March
B. February  
C. August      
D. April
5. The writer _______.
A. enjoys winter sports    
B. is fifty-six
C. breaks the ice in winter  
D. lives far from the Green Mountains
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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