阅读理解。Dear Li Fang, I have been in England for three months now. I hope you don't think I've forgotten you. There have been so many places to visit andso-八年级英语

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Dear Li Fang,
     I have been in England for three months now. I hope you don't think I've forgotten you. There have
been so many places to visit and so many things to do that I've not had Lunch time to write letters.  
     I shall soon start my studies at King's College. So far I've been learning about British ways of living. I
won't tell you about London, because there are plenty of books you can read and plenty of pictures you
can enjoy. I'm sure you'll be more interested to know what I think about the life here.
    I find some of the customs new and interesting. People here do not shake hands as much as we do in
China. During the first few weeks I was often surprised because people did not put out their hands when
I met them. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other.

1. The writer came to London from _____.
A. Asia
B. China
C. America
D. Africa
2. The writer _____.
A. has never been to England
B. went to England just now
C. went to England three months ago
D. will go to England in three months
3. The writer has _____.
A. not written any letters
B. much time to write letters
C. no time to write letters
D. a little time to write letters
4. The writer came to England to _____.
A. study
B. make a living
C. learn British ways of living
D. learn about life there
5. From the letter we know that Englishmen _____.
A. do not often shake hands with friends when they meet
B. often shake hands with friends when they meet
C. raise their hats to all friends when they meet
D. do not raise their hats to friends when they meet
题型:单选题  难度:中档


1-5: BCDAA

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