阅读理解。 Almost everyone knows about the Chupa Chups, the lollipop*. And people often talk about its interesting advertisements. Do you know, however, it was-九年级英语

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     Almost everyone knows about the Chupa Chups, the lollipop*. And people often talk about its
interesting advertisements. Do you know, however, it was invented more than half a century ago by a man
called Bernat?
     In the early 1950s, Bernat worked for an apple jam* factory. After he came up with the idea of making
lollipops, the people who offered money to the company left. Bernat took over the company in 1958 and
named it Chupa Chups. He built the machines and sold candy on a wooden stick for one peseta* each.
     Bernat got the idea of a "candy with a stick" from a mother who complained a lot as her child got dirty
hands when eating candy. Bernat felt that at that time, candy was not designed with the main customers-
children-in mind. Later, shopkeepers were told to put the lollipops near the cash register* where children
could reach easily, instead of behind it.
     The Chupa Chups company was a success. In five years, Bernat's lollipops were being sold at 300,000 to
other countries. When they were first created, the lollipop sticks were made of wood, but then they were
changed to plastic sticks because there was too little wood in Spain. After the end of the Francisco Franco
dictatorship* (1939-1975), the company went international. In the 1970s the colorful lollipops appeared in
Southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, as well as Australia. In the 1980s it
went to the European and North American markets, and in the 1990s to most Asian countries. In China they
were made by Tatagum in Panyu, near Guangzhou. As of 2003, 4 billion lollipops a year were sold to 150
countries. The company has 2000 workers, makes 90% of its sales abroad, and has a turnover* of 
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