The one-child policy has been carried out for about 20 years .Most Chinese families have only one child. By the year 2008,the number of only children in China -九年级英语

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The one-child policy has been carried out for about 20 years .Most Chinese families have only one child. By the year 2008,the number of only children in China had already been 330 million ,which was about the population of the United States .In the next twenty years ,the only-child generation (一代人) will become the main builders of our society .No one knows how much he or she will change the world .
Only children in families often receive the best care, sometimes ,even get a lot of indulgence .Parents always try their best to satisfy their children’s needs .Those children, who are called “little emperors” ,are in danger of too much love .
However these kids often fell lonely because neither their parents nor their classmates can take the place of a brother or a sister.
It seems that only children are still not ready to do their duty .some elder only children have already graduated from college .But they still depend on their parents .They need a longer time to change for their jobs, because they were brought up in a safe environment. When their parents get older, a couple of only children will have four parents and even more grandparents to look after. It will surely be the biggest problem if they don’t well prepare to face it. 
小题1:What was the population of the U.S.A in the year 2008?
A. About 3, 300, 000.   B. About 330, 000, 000.  C. About 33, 000, 000.
小题2:In this passage the word  “indulgence” means ________.
A. 溺爱             B. 批评               C.指导
小题3: Why do only children feel lonely?
A. Their parents have no time for them.
B. They don’t have free time for activities.
C. They have no brothers or sisters.
小题4:What’s the biggest problem for the family that is made up of two only children?
A. They have to look after four parents and even more grandparents.
B. They they still depend on their parents.        
C. They need a longer time to change for their jobs
小题5:The best title for the passage is ____________.
A. Parents for Only Children  B. The Only-child Generation  C. The Only-child Policy

题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



试题分析:本文大意:计划生育政策已经实行了二十年了,到2008年,中国独生子的数量已经达到3.3亿,大约是美国的人口数 在未来的20年里,独生子一代将成为我们社会的主力军。独生子们经常得到最好的爱护,有时甚至处到许多的溺爱,然而这些孩子们经常感觉到孤单,因为他们的家长和同学们都不能取代兄弟姐妹的作用。当两个独生子的父母变老时,他们要照顾四个父母和更多的祖父母,如果他们还没有准备好,这无疑将成为最大的问题。
小题1:细节理解题。从By the year 2008,the number of only children in China had already been 330 million ,which was about the population of the United States 到2008年,中国独生子的数量已经达到3.3亿,大约是美国的人口数 ,可知答案选B。
小题2:细节理解题。从Only children in families often receive the best care, sometimes ,even get a lot of indulgence独生子们经常得到最好的爱护,有时甚至处到许多的溺爱,超过最好的爱护,就是溺爱了,可知答案选A。
小题3:细节理解题。从However these kids often fell lonely because neither their parents nor their classmates can take the place of a brother or a sister.然而这些孩子们经常感觉到孤单,因为他们的家长和同学们都不能取代兄弟姐妹的作用,可知答案选C。
小题4:细节理解题。从When their parents get older, a couple of only children will have four parents and even more grandparents to look after. 当两个独生子的父母变老时,他们要照顾四个父母和更多的祖父母,可知答案选A。
小题5:标题归纳题。从The one-child policy has been carried out for about 20 years .计划生育政策已经实行了二十年了,In the next twenty years ,the only-child generation (一代人) will become the main builders of our society,在未来的20年里,独生子一代将成为我们社会的主力军,以及通过全文可知在谈论独生子一代,故答案选B。

据专家权威分析,试题“The one-child policy has been carried out for about 20 years..”主要考查你对  政治经济类阅读,人物传记类阅读,历史文化类阅读,人生感悟类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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