阅读理解。 In China, people born in and after the 1980s are called the post-80s generation (一代人). Most of them come from single-child families. However, thi-九年级英语

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     In China, people born in and after the 1980s are called the post-80s generation (一代人). Most of them
come from single-child families. However, this generation is playing a more and more important part in China,
and their image in people's minds is changing. Han Han, a popular youth writer, is one of them.
     Han Han was born in 1982 in Shanghai. His talent for writing was clear at an early age. When he was 17,
he drew the public's attention with the article Viewing the People through the Glass. The article won first prize
in the national New Concept Composition Competition. Later, Han Han again surprised the public by leaving
high school. "I did poorly in Grade One of high school and failed to move up to the next grade. I tried my
best to improve my studies, but failed, so I gave up. However, I am always learning, since learning and going
to school are two different things," Han Han said.
     Han Han's first novel Three Folded Gates sold very well in China. Later the book was translated (翻译)
into several languages and sold abroad.
     In the following years, Han Han wrote a lot of books. All of them were welcomed by the market. In 2006,
he started blogging (写博客) and had great success. Today, Han Han's blog has become one of the honest
blogs on the Internet.
1. The post-80s generation ________.
A. have changed China's image
B. are playing an important role in China
C. are very good at writing
D. are people who are more than 80 years old
2. What can we learn from Han Han's words in the second paragraph?
A. He was good in all his subjects.
B. He never studied hard at school.
C. His school life was interesting and colourful.
D. He didn't stop learning after he left school.
3. When did Han Han begin to write a blog?
A. When he was seventeen.
B. In 1992
C. When he was twenty
D. In 2006
4. Which of the following is TRUE,according to the passage?
A. Three Folded Gates was only sold in China.
B. Nobody was surprised that Han Han left high school.
C. Han Han was not liked by the post-80s generation.
D. Han Han's blog is very popular on the Internet.
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. The post-80s generation.
B. Han Han, a popular post-80s writer.
C. Blogging on the Internet.
D. Popular books written by Han Han.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5        BDDDB

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