阅读理解。 Helen Keller was born in the USA and she was a very clever beautiful baby. But the fever cut her off from the outside world. After that she could no-七年级英语

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     Helen Keller was born in the USA and she was a very clever beautiful baby. But the fever cut her off
from the outside world. After that she could not see or hear and soon she couldn't even talk. She was
blind, deaf, and dumb.
     Just before Helen Keller's seventh birthday, Anne Sullivan , a teacher, came to help her. Anne
Sullivan did a lot of work. With the help of Miss Sullivan , Helen learned how to swim and ride a horse.
      Later Helen went to a school for blind children. She worked and studied very hard. She wrote many
books and became a famous writer. Her first and famous book was The Story of My Life. People
around the world enjoy reading her books. Helen died at the age of 88 in 1968.
1. When was Helen born?
A. In 1886.  
B. In 1880.  
C. In 1968.
2. What was Helen like when she was a baby?
A. She was clever.
B. She was blind.
C. She was deaf.
3. Who helped Helen out?
A. Helen's parents.
B. Helen's friends.
C. Anne Sullivan.
4. How did Helen learn to read and write?
A. On the radio.
B. Through her hands.
C. On TV.
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Helen didn't go to school at all.
B. Helen learned how to skate and ride a horse.
C. Helen's first and famous book was The Story of My Life .
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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