As a boy, Tim Green had two dreams: becoming a football player and becoming a writer. Both of the dreams have come true.After studying at Syracuse University, -九年级英语

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As a boy, Tim Green had two dreams: becoming a football player and becoming a writer. Both of the dreams have come true.
After studying at Syracuse University, Tim began to play football in the NFL (国家橄榄球联盟). He was a great player in the NFL for eight years.
While Tim played in the NFL, he began writing. His first book came out before he stopped playing football.
After writing many books for adults, Tim began writing books for young readers. Many stories in his books happened in a world of sports. Tim got the inspiration (灵感) for writing from his own experiences as a football player. At the same time, Tim visited over 700 schools and talked to more than 400,000 students across the United States about the importance of education and the joys of reading!
Tim is also a TV broadcaster (节目主持人). His TV shows include FOX NFL Sunday, Battlebots, Good Morning America, Court TV, and most recently, Find My Family.
Do you like sports? Do you love reading? If your answer is “Yes”, you can try Tim Green’s books.
小题1:What were Tim Green’s dreams when he was young?
小题2: How long did Tim Green play in the NFL?
小题3:Where did Tim Green’s inspiration for writing come from?
小题4:What did Tim Green talk about to the students when he visited the school across the US?
小题5: How many jobs of Tim Green’s does the passage talk about?

题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


小题1:Becoming a football player and becoming a writer.
小题2:For eight years.
小题3:His own experiences as a football player.
小题4:The importance of education and the joys of reading.

试题分析:这篇文章主要告诉我们Tim Green实现了两个梦想:当足球球员和作家。他也是一名电视节目主持人。
小题1:细节理解题。As a boy, Tim Green had two dreams: becoming a football player and becoming a writer.句意:当他小的时候,Tim Green有两个梦想:成为一名足球运动员和成为一名作家。故填Becoming a football player and becoming a writer.。
小题2:细节理解题。根据He was a great player in the NFL for eight years.句意:他是NFL队里一名出色的球员,在这个队里打了八年。故填For eight years.
小题3:细节理解题。根据Tim got the inspiration (灵感) for writing from his own experiences as a football player.句意:Tim从他自身当足球球员的亲身经历中得到写作的灵感。故填His own experiences as a football player.。
小题4:细节理解题。根据Tim visited over 700 schools and talked to more than 400,000 students across the United States about the importance of education and the joys of reading!句意:Tim参观了700多所学校,和美国400,000多学生谈了教育的重要性和阅读的快乐。故填The importance of education and the joys of reading.

据专家权威分析,试题“As a boy, Tim Green had two dreams: becoming a football play..”主要考查你对  人物传记类阅读,故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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