阅读理解。 Most cities and towns in China have night markets every day. During the day, the streets are quiet (安静的). At night, they become crowded (拥挤的) -七年级英语

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    Most cities and towns in China have night markets every day. During the day, the
streets are quiet (安静的). At night, they become crowded (拥挤的) and lively (活跃的).
Usually people arrive at three or four in the afternoon. By 6:00, the streets are like
rivers of people.
    Night markets are fun places to shop in. You can buy clothes, shoes and many other
things. If the price is too high, you can bargain with sellers (卖者). You can also buy
nice food. When you are hungry, you can sit down for a meal. Smelly tofu is popular, but
it really smells bad.
    The best thing is everything at night markets is cheap.
1. Where can we find night markets?

[     ]

A. In the countryside
B. In the daytime
C. In most cities and towns
D. In all the towns
2. What's the meaning of "bargain"?

[     ]

A. 合同
B. 讨价还价
C. 希望
D. 交易
3. Can people eat nice food at nights markets?

[     ]

A. Yes, he can.
B. Yes, they can.
C. No, he can't.
D. No, they can't.
4. Choose the best title (标题) of this article.

[     ]

A. Shopping Mall
B. Night Shopping
C. Markets
D. Night Markets
5. The best advantage (优势) of night markets is _____.

[     ]

A. you can eat delicious food
B. you can buy different things
C. you can walk around
D. you can have a good time without paying too much money
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: CBBDD

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