阅读理解。 My name is Jack. I often go to movies with my friend Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson and hehas a new movie My Father's Birthday. It's a v-八年级英语

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     My name is Jack. I often go to movies with my friend Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson and he
has a new movie My Father's Birthday. It's a very funny comedy. Mike likes magic (魔幻的) movies best.
His favorite movie is Harry Potter. He has read all seven of the books. Today, he wants to see the new
Harry Potter movie.    
     Mike: I can't wait to go to the new Harry Potter movie. Do you want to go to the movie with me?
     Jack: Oh, I don't like Potter, Mike. And, I get enough of Harry Potter from my sister. She is crazy
(疯狂的) for it. I always wait in line all day to buy the books for her.
1. _____ is Jack' s favorite actor. 

[     ]

A. Harry Potter
B. Mike Jackson
C. Paul Jackson
D. Paul Potter

2. Mike has read _____ of the books about Harry Potter.

[     ]

A. six
B. seven
C. eight
D. nine 
3. _____ want(s) to go to see the new Harry Potter.

[     ]

A. Mike
B. Jack
C. Mike and Jack
D. Jack's sister
4. The movie My Father's Birthday is _____.

[     ]

A. funny
B crazy
C. magic
D. old
5. You can find _____ in the passage (文章).

[     ]

A. Mike goes to movies with his sister
B. Mike likes comedies best
C. Jack wants to see the new Harry Potter movie today
D. Jack gets enough of Harry Potter from his sister
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5  CBAAD

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