阅读理解。Postcard From Canada Dear Weihan, Hi from Canada! We are having a wonderful holiday. We haven't seen a bear yet, but there are bears and deer in the -七年级英语

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Postcard From Canada
Dear Weihan,
      Hi from Canada! We are having a wonderful holiday. We haven't seen a bear yet, but there are bears
and deer in the forests around the lake where we're staying. The bears often go to the rubbish dump (垃圾场)
to look for food. Perhaps we'll go to see them at the dump. We will need to be careful because bears are
quite dangerous. They will attack if you surprise them, so people carry bells (铃) when they are out
walking to warn the bears away.
     On our first night we saw a fireworks (烟火) show. It doesn't get dark here until 10 o'clock, so it was
a really late night for us.
      Today I had a very short swim in the lake. It was cold. The weather has been sunny, but not like the
weather at home.
     Bye for now. We will be home next week.
1. Lingnan thinks that the probable place to see a bear will be _____.

[     ]

A. in the forest
B. at the dump
C. by the lake
D. on the mountain 
2. Lingnan thinks that bears are most dangerous when they _____.

[     ]

A. hear bells ring
B. see the deer
C. are surprised by people
D. are looking for food
3. Lingnan went to bed very late on the first night because he _____.

[     ]

A. swam in the lake
B. just arrived in Canada
C. went to see the bear
D. watched a fireworks show
4. From the postcard, we can tell that Lingnan _____.

[     ]

A. has seen a bear
B. has seen a deer
C. is enjoying his holiday
D. is traveling with Weihan
5. From the postcard we can infer that the weather "at home" is _____.

[     ]

A. sunny and warm
B. cold and cloudy
C. sunny but cold
D. windy and cold
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5  BCDCC

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。Postcard From Canada Dear Weihan, Hi from Canada! ..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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