完形填空。 Everyone likes to receive gifts. In many countries people give gifts for special occasions. For example, in the United States people give1for birthd-九年级英语

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     Everyone likes to receive gifts. In many countries people give gifts for special occasions. For example,
in the United States people give  1  for birthdays, weddings, and when someone graduates from high school
or college. In Japan many people give gifts at special times in the summer and  2 . And in some countries
people give a person a gift when they visit the person's home. But how do you choose the  3  gift?
     It's not always easy to find a great gift for everyone, especially when you are buying a gift for someone
from another  4 . In many Western countries watches and  5  are nice gifts. However, Chinese people do not
like clocks as gifts. The Chinese words that mean to give a clock are similar to the words for to die. So many
Chinese people think that a clock as a gift is bad  6 .
     Many people around the world think that flowers are always a safe gift. But even flowers can be  7 ! In
Russia a gift of an odd number of flowers (1,3,5, etc. ) is okay. But a gift of an even number of flowers (2,4,
6, etc. ) is not okay. It's only for funerals! People in China do not like gifts of white flowers, because white is
the color for funerals. And don't  8  red roses to a stranger from Germany. They may think you love them!
Red roses mean love in several cultures!
(     )1. A. money      
(     )2. A. person     
(     )3. A. right      
(     )4. A. country    
(     )5. A. flowers    
(     )6. A. luck       
(     )7. A. a safe gift
(     )8. A. receive    
B. gifts   
B. place   
B. wrong   
B. city    
B. books   
B. lucky   
B. a problem
B. accept  
C. food      
C. winter    
C. shiny     
C. village   
C. clocks    
C. unlucky   
C. a good idea
C. give                                                 
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-4     BCAA    5-8     CABC

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