阅读理解。 Gordon Williams's hobby may seem strange to people when they meet it for the first time. But it is a traditional craft (手艺). He builds model ship-九年级英语
阅读理解。 |
Gordon Williams's hobby may seem strange to people when they meet it for the first time. But it is a traditional craft (手艺). He builds model ships inside old bottles. Gordon has always loved ships, especially sailing ships from the old days. His interest in this hobby began many years ago when he visited a museum in Ottawa, Canada, where there was a display of model ships in bottles. Gordon thought the display was wonderful. But he wondered how the craftsman got the ship through the thin neck of the bottle. Gordon decided to find it out. He found an old master craftsman who was willing to teach him the necessary skills. First, Gordon takes an old bottle. Then he puts in a layer of putty (一层油灰), carefully shaped and painted it look like the sea. Next he builds the ship. To get the ship through the neck of the bottle, Gordon holds down the masts (桅杆). Once the ship is inside the bottle, he takes a long, thin tool to raise the masts. Gordon has completed well over one hundred models. His wish is to build bigger model ships, such as aircraft carriers. This will be more challenging, as he will have to build the ship actually inside the bottle. His hobby certainly needs time, patience and a steady hand. |
1. What's their opinion when people first meet Gordon's hobby? |
A. Useful. B. Traditional. C. Interesting. D. Unusual. |
2. How did Gordon become interested in this hobby? |
A. He met a craftsman who would like to teach him. B. He saw a show of model ships in bottles. C. He had a journey to Canada. D. He has collected many sailing ships. |
3. For Gordon, the most difficult step that he wanted to learn was _______. |
A. to shape the bottle like a ship B. to paint the layer of putty like the sea C. to get the ship through the neck of the bottle D. to put the layer of putty into the bottle |
4. Which of the following pictures shows the last step of Gordon's work? |
![]() |
5. Gordon's new plan is more challenging because he will _______. |
A. build a bigger model ship inside the bottle B. build more than one hundred ships C. put a bigger model ship inside the bottle D. make an aircraft carrier |
1-5 DBCBA |
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Gordon Williams's hobby may seem strange to peop..”主要考查你对 日常生活类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
- 日常生活类阅读:
- 最新内容
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- 网友推荐
- 图文推荐
上一篇:完形填空。 Everyone likes to receive gifts. In many countries people give gifts for special occasions. For example, in the United States people give1for birthd-九年级英语
下一篇:阅读理解。 Being able to multitask-doing several things at the same time-is considered (考虑,认为) a welcome skillby most people. But if we consider the situati-九年级英语
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