阅读理解。 Sam is a dog who lives in Maryland, the US. 1______. And some of his paintings have sold for $ 1700.Sam holds a special paintbrush in his mouth to -九年级英语

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     Sam is a dog who lives in Maryland, the US. 1______. And some of his paintings have sold for $ 1700.
     Sam holds a special paintbrush in his mouth to paint. Mary Stadelhacher, Sam's owner, said Sam loves
painting and can do it for hours." 2______. He paints his paintings with darker colors first and then moves
onto lighter ones," she said.
     Mary, the owner of a dog service center, took in 6-year-old Sam four years ago. She came up with the
idea of teaching Sam to paint after seeing reports about animal painters." 3______. So I thought, why not a
dog?" Now the money from the dog's art sales helps to keep the dog service center open.
     "Sam's paintings have been on show at New York galleries. 4______," Mary said.
     "We even had one woman buy her dog one of Sam's paintings as a birthday present."
A. The dog also has many other skills
B. He loves to work in different colors
C. I saw dolphins paint and elephants paint
D. People have come from far away just to buy his work
E. But he's also a painter
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


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据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Sam is a dog who lives in Maryland, the US. 1___..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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