阅读理解。 I have never taken cooking classes. I learned cooking from my mother because she was really interestedin teaching me how to cook. The main reason fo-九年级英语

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     I have never taken cooking classes. I learned cooking from my mother because she was really interested
in teaching me how to cook. The main reason for this was that when my mother got married, she didn't know
how to cook anything, not even an egg. My grandmother never allowed her to stay in the kitchen when she
was cooking.
     My mother did not start to cook until she was 25 years old. In the beginning, it was very hard for her.
Therefore, she had to take cooking classes to prepare our meals. After having that experience, she decided
to teach me how to cook because she didn't want me to have the same experience.
      I remember when I was seven years old, and my mother was cooking, I was with her in the kitchen
enjoying cooking. I always helped her. Sometimes we prepared meals that my mother already knew how to
make, and sometimes we prepared them from recipes. Nowadays, I am really thankful for that experience
of people, it doesn't matter.
      I will do the same with my children because I don't want them to have the same experience as my mother.
If one day I am not with them, I want to be sure that they can carry on their lives without me.
1. The writer's mother learned cooking _______.
A. from the writer's grandmother
B. all by herself
C. by taking cooking class
2. The underlined word recipes in this passage most probably means _______.
A. instructions on how to cook food
B. experiences of cooking food
C. some well-known cooks
3. We can learn from the passage that the writer's children will _______.
A. hate cooking
B. learn cooking
C. teach cooking
4. The writer must think cooking is ______ to learn in life.
A. interesting
B. difficult
C. necessary
5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. the writer's mother didn't know how to cook anything but an egg.
B. the writer's mother started to cook after 25 years old.
C. the writer's mother taught the writer how to cook because she disliked cooking.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5     CABCB

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