完形填空。 The largest earthquake in Japanese history1 in northern Japan at 2:46 pm of March 11, 2011. A tsunami (海啸) followed, causing major flooding in2area-九年级英语

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     The largest earthquake in Japanese history  1  in northern Japan at 2:46 pm of March 11, 2011. A tsunami
(海啸) followed, causing major flooding in  2  areas of Japan, as well as many strong aftershocks (余震). So
far more than 13,000 people  3  with about 14,000 people missing. When news of this? disaster(灾难)  4  
China, many Chinese people expressed their  5  for Japan and the Japanese, remembering that Japan helped
the Chinese during China's 2008 Sichuan Earthquake.
(     )1. A. was happ ened 
(     )2. A. many          
(     )3. A. lost their life
(     )4. A. reaches       
(     )5. A. support       
B. happened       
B. much           
B. lose their lives
B. is reached     
B. pride          
C. had happened        
C. a lot               
C. have lost their lives
C. got                 
C. pleasure            
D. happening    
D. lots         
D. have been died
D. reached      
D. prediction   
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5       BACDA

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