阅读理解。 Traveling can be a good way to get life experiences. But what will you do if you're a student and don't have enough money for a trip? Don't worry-九年级英语

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     Traveling can be a good way to get life experiences. But what will you do if you're a student and don't
have enough money for a trip? Don't worry. Here are some useful suggestions.
     Plan ahead: This is probably the most important preparation for traveling. Don't wait until the last minute
to plan your trip, or you will have to spend more on tickets. Write down how much you expect to spend on
food and hotels. Make a plan and you can save much in this way.
     Find useful information: Travel books will offer information about the cheapest hotels and restaurants.
Also the Internet can help you save money. You can find some useful websites like www. Travelcity. com
and www. Economy travel, com.
     Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with others
you can share costs and experiences.
     Go to a less-known place: Well-known places may be expensive and too crowded. You may want to
think over your trip and go to a less-known place. Smaller towns still have many interesting activities and
sights. You can learn about lots of local customs, too.
     Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes. Remember medicine
because you may get sick. Snacks are also necessary because they can save you much money when you
can not find a cheap restaurant. By planning carefully, you can not only enjoy traveling but also save lots
of money. You will remember your travel experiences all your life.
1. Before your trip, the most important thing your should do is to _________.
A. plan ahead
B. read travel books
C. search the Internet
2. The underlined word "websites" means _________.
A. 电子邮箱
B. 网站
C. 旅游指南
3. The writer advises you _________.
A. to share costs with other people
B. to go to the most famous places
C. to make friends with local people
4. According to the passage, _________.
A. you need more medicine during the trip
B. clothes are always the most important things to take
C. it's necessary to take some snacks with you during the trip
5. The main idea of the passage is _________.
A. how to prepare for your trip
B. where to spend your holidays
C. how to save money for your trip
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


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