阅读理解。 Is the big city really a good place to bring up a child? Personally, I feel that it is probably the worst place to raise a child. To me, a child's -九年级英语

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     Is the big city really a good place to bring up a child? Personally, I feel that it is probably the worst place
to raise a child. To me, a child's health and safety are the most important things to consider, and a big city is
simply too dangerous for young children.
     There is no doubt that a big city is not a healthy environment for a child to grow up in. Children in cities
are constantly exposed (暴露于) to pollution from cars and factories. As a result, they can develop serious
health problems which may stay with them for the rest of their lives.
     What's more, living in a big city can be dangerous for children. Since there are few parks or playgrounds,
many children are forced to play in the streets, where they are in danger of getting hurt. There is also a lot of
crime and violence (犯罪与暴力),which means that children's lives are at risk.
     On the other hand, there are usually much better education opportunities and leisure facilities (休闲设施)
in a big city than in the countryside. For instance, village schools are often not well-equipped, and children may
have to travel a long way to reach the nearest school. Similarly, a village or small town does not offer a wide
choice of sports facilities, cinemas and so on.
     In conclusion, I believe that bringing up a child in a big city has far more against it than in its favor. The
choice of schools and a wider variety of leisure facilities do not make up for the risks to a child's health and
Topic Bringing up children in a big city
For  A big city can provide (1)______ and better and more leisure facilities.
Against Children are constantly exposed to pollution from cars and factories,
so they might (2)______A big city is simply too dangerous for young children.
They (3)______ while playing in the streets. Also, children's lives are at risk
because of crime and violence
The writer's opinion (4)______
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. better education opportunities / chances
2. develop / have serious health problems
3. might get hurt / are in danger of getting hurt
4. The big city is probably the worst place to raise / bring up a child.
   The big city is not a good place to raise / bring up a child.
    It's not a good place to raise a child in the city.

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