阅读理解。 It is the last week of the holidays. Bill wants to take a trip. His uncle lives at the seashore (海边). Bill wants to visit him."It'll be my las-八年级英语

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      It is the last week of the holidays. Bill wants to take a trip. His uncle lives at the seashore (海边). Bill wants
to visit him.
      "It'll be my last chance (机会) to go swimming in the ocean (海洋) this year." Bill says to his parents."
Next month it will be too cold."
      "I don't know, Bill." His mother says. "It's a long way." She looks at her husband."What do you think,
      "Oh, let him go, Alice," Mr. White says." He is fifteen years old. He's not a baby, you know."
      "I know he's not a baby." says Mrs. White. "But there are too many connections (换车) to make. He has
to take a bus and a train and then another bus."" Please, mother." Says Bill." I've made the trip (已去过) with
you and Dad a lot of times. I know the way. I won't have any trouble (麻烦)."
     "Let him go, Alice." Says Mr. White again."It will be a good experience (体验) for him. He won't get lost."
1. What does Bill want to do when it is the last week of the holidays?
A. He wants to go on a trip.
B. He wants to visit his uncle.
C. He wants to go swimming in the sea.
D. All the above.
2. Doesn't his mother say yes to him?
 A. Yes, he does
B. Yes, he doesn't
C. No, he does
D. No, she doesn't
3. Why does Bill's father agree with him?
A. Because he thinks Bill is young.
B. Because he doesn't think Bill is a baby.
C. Because he wants to leave Bill.
D. Because he doesn't want to leave Bill.
4. How does Bill get to his uncle's home?
A. By air
B. By plane.
C. He has to take not only a bus but also a train.
D. Only take a train.
5. Do you think Bill goes to visit his uncle at last?
A. Yes, I think so.
B. No, I don't think so.
C. Bill won't have any trouble.
D. Bill has gone there many.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5       DDBCA

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